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Florida For Christmas 2003
Belguim Vacation

This Page is for updates on what's been happening with the the Rogers Clan.

Galina is on a trip with her class (8a). They left today (20 Sep) and took a 10 hour train ride and a ferry to the North Sea. They are staying on the Island of Amrum. They will spend a fabulous 6 days on the Island exploring and having a great time.

We'll miss ya Sweety!!!!

They are staying here:

Poor Gisi, lost the battle with the staircase.

Your not going to believe this, but Gisela fell down the Attic stair case. That makes three times since we got here. The basement the first week, she slipped, which just scared her, Ended up having a small black and blue mark. Then last week the stairs between the first and second floor. Slipped again, this time a big bruise on her fanny. Then the night before last, she tackled the staircase leading to Galina's room in the Attic. Coming down the stairs, Gissi somehow got her foot caught in between the stairs and fell against the wall. It's pretty narrow, thank goodness or she really could have taken a dive. Anyway, she ended up, foot stuck in between the stairs, leaning against the wall and her feet were higher than her head. It's hard to picture, but I had to lift her to get her foot out. Needless to say, she landed directly on her poor black and blue mark from the other fall, also twisted her knee and banged up her shine. Timing was impecable. Poor Galina was home sick with the flu. So, I stayed home and played nurse. They needed it, poor Gisi was in a lot of pain. Thank God nothing was broken.
